Influencing Others Through Encouragement
In today’s world, it is easy to become overwhelmed and disconnected from one another. The fast-paced nature of our lives, coupled with the distractions of technology, can lead us to neglect the power of our influence on others. However, as Christians, we are called to be influential and make a difference in the lives of those around us. One of the most effective ways to do this is through encouragement.
Encouragement is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on someone’s life. It is the act of uplifting and motivating others, helping them to see their worth and potential. Before anyone can be influenced by what we know, they need to know how much we care. Showing up and being present for others is essential in being an encourager. When we promise to be there for someone, we must follow through on our commitment. By doing so, we demonstrate that we value them and their well-being.
Humility is another crucial aspect of being an encourager. It is not about showcasing our accomplishments or seeking recognition for our good deeds. Instead, it involves putting others’ needs before our own and genuinely listening to their stories and struggles. By doing so, we create a safe and non-judgmental space where they can share their hearts and receive the grace and love that God extends to us.
Following up is equally important. Encouragement is not a one-time event; it is an ongoing process. After someone has poured their heart out to us, we must continue to support and guide them. They may need assistance in praying, reading the Bible, or navigating their newfound faith. Our influence can help them through challenging times and push them to persevere when they are tempted to give up.
It is evident that as Christians, we cannot isolate ourselves. We need the encouragement and support of our Christian brothers and sisters. Meeting together regularly, whether in person or online, is crucial in building each other up and spurring one another toward love and good deeds. The closer we draw to the day of Christ’s return, the more we must ramp up our efforts to be present and involved in the lives of others.
Encouragement: A Two-Way Street
While it is essential for us to encourage others, there are also times when we need to be encouraged ourselves. Life can be overwhelming, and we may find ourselves feeling depleted and lost. In these moments, we must remember that it is okay to seek support and help from others.
Showing up is just as important when we need encouragement. We must be willing to take off the mask of perfection and vulnerability. Accepting that we are not God and that we all need someone can be a humbling experience. It allows us to open up and receive the love and encouragement that others are willing to offer.
Being selfish in seeking encouragement may sound contradictory, but it is necessary. Taking time for ourselves, whether it is attending support groups, Bible studies, or counseling sessions, is not selfishness in the negative sense; it is self-care. It is recognizing our own limitations and needs and making our spiritual well-being a priority. By doing so, we become better equipped to influence and encourage others.
Lastly, holding fast to our faith is crucial. We must submit ourselves to the Lord and recognize that our lives are not about us but about Him. It is about acknowledging His sovereignty and grace. None of us are perfect, but through Christ, we can find strength and forgiveness. Every day, we must remind ourselves of our blessings and express gratitude for God’s unending love and mercy. It is through this daily surrender that we can truly live as influential Christians.
Reclaiming Our Influence
As Christians, we have a responsibility to reclaim our influence in a world that is becoming increasingly godless. Our influence should not be limited to singing songs and sitting in church pews. We must actively engage with others and make a positive impact on their lives.
We cannot let this world set the standard for our children and grandchildren. It is our duty to teach them about God’s love and provide them with a firm foundation in their faith. We must prioritize attending church, praying together as a family, and actively participating in ministries and outreach programs. Our influence should extend beyond our immediate circle and into the lives of those who are lost and searching for hope.
It is time for us to rise up and be the people of influence that Christ has called us to be. We must familiarize ourselves with the playbook God has given us—the Bible—and live according to its teachings. We cannot lead others to Christ if we do not know Him ourselves. Let us commit ourselves to reading and studying Scripture, connecting with other believers, and fervently seeking God’s guidance and wisdom.
As the day of Christ’s return approaches, let us not grow complacent or comfortable in our faith. Instead, let us be bold in our influence, unafraid to share the love and truth of Jesus with others. May we be a beacon of light in a darkened world, leading others to salvation and eternal life through our words, actions, and above all, our love.
Today is the day to reclaim our influence, to make a difference, and to lead others to Christ. Let us not waste another moment, but instead, commit ourselves to being encouragers, building up those around us and being the hands and feet of Jesus in a world that desperately needs Him.