Just Getting Started

Get Saved

The first step to building an awesome life is to get saved. We are all born into a world of sin, with a natural desire to do things our own way rather than God’s way. This creates a “yoke of sin” that separates us from God. Just like a pair of oxen cannot free themselves from the yoke that binds them, we cannot free ourselves from the yoke of sin on our own. We need God to intervene and save us.

In Exodus 6:6, God tells the Israelites, “I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.” God wanted to save His people from the slavery they were under. In the same way, God wants to save us from the slavery of sin that we are under. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He sets us free from that yoke of sin and brings us into a right relationship with Him.

Get Free

Once we are saved, the next step is to get free. Just as God freed the Israelites from the Egyptians, He wants to free us from the hold that our old sinful ways and habits have on us. We may be saved, but we still struggle with the “muscle memory” of our past. God wants to get Egypt out of us, just as He got us out of Egypt.

Exodus 6:6 says, “I will free you from being slaves to them.” God doesn’t just want to save us, He wants to set us completely free from the bondage of sin. This is a process that requires us to surrender our old ways to God and allow Him to transform us.

Get Restored

The third step is to get restored. God wants to redeem us and put us back to our original state, the way He created us to be. Exodus 6:6 says, “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.”

No matter how far we have drifted from God’s original purpose for our lives, He can restore us. He sees the plan He had for us before we were even born (Psalm 139:15-16). God is not surprised by our mistakes or the wrong turns we have taken. He wants to take the “crusty and rusty” parts of our lives and make us new again, restoring us to the purpose He created us for.

Get Fulfilled

The final step is to get fulfilled. Exodus 6:7 says, “I will take you as my own people and I will be your God.” When we allow God to be the Lord of our lives, we find the fulfillment we have been searching for.

For some, this fulfillment may come through full-time ministry. But for others, it may be found in the everyday moments of life – baking cookies for the church, working at a job with a kingdom mindset, or simply being obedient to God’s leading in our lives. The key is aligning our lives with God’s plan and allowing Him to use us for His purposes.

No matter where you are in your journey, God has a plan for your life. He wants to save you, free you, restore you, and fulfill you. Take the next step and watch how God begins to move in your life in amazing ways.