Discipline = Freedom: Reclaiming Your Life with Jesus
Embracing the Discipline of Faith
As I reflect on our recent family vacation in Florida, I can’t help but chuckle at the memories. The long car ride, the chaos of five people in one hotel room, and the constant banter between my kids as we played Monopoly – it all came rushing back. But amidst the laughter and nostalgia, I was also struck by a profound realization about the parallel between our family game nights and our walks with God.
You see, when we first started playing Monopoly as a family, we were diligent about following the rules. My rule-oriented son, Joe, would meticulously read through the instructions, ensuring we all knew exactly how to play. My daughter, Allie, would carefully set up the board, much to Joe’s dismay when she didn’t place the pieces just right. And poor Cameron, the youngest, was often left out of the loop, never fully understanding the game’s mechanics.
In those early days, we played by the rules, mostly. Mama was there to keep us in line, and we all got along because we were committed to the game. But as time went on, things changed. Allie started to disregard the rules, doing her own thing. Joe would get frustrated and quit, unwilling to play with someone who didn’t follow the guidelines. And Cameron? Well, he eventually just retreated under the table, content to play with his Legos instead of engaging in the family drama.
Discipline in Our Faith Journey
Doesn’t this sound all too familiar when it comes to our faith journeys? At first, we’re so eager to live for Jesus, standing up on the stage and letting everyone know we’re going to follow the rules. We get up early, wear the right clothes, use the right language, and serve tirelessly. We’re diligent, disciplined, and committed.
But as the game of life goes on, it’s not always as fun to play by the rules, is it? We start to compromise, connecting with the “Allie” in us who wants to do things our own way. We convince ourselves that we don’t really need to read the Bible or pray as much, as long as we look the part when others are watching. And before we know it, our hands don’t go up as high during worship, and the sermons don’t speak to us anymore. We’ve become more concerned with getting the “get out of jail free” card than truly living for Jesus.
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that once we’ve said the prayer and secured our spot in heaven, we can do whatever we want. We forget the sacrifice, the reverence, and the all-encompassing commitment that Jesus calls us to. We become more concerned with popularity and acceptance from the culture than with honoring God with our lives.
Reclaiming Freedom in Christ
But my friends, this is not the freedom that Christ has called us to. In Galatians 5:1, the Message translation says, “Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.”
You see, true freedom doesn’t come from doing whatever we want, but from surrendering our lives to the one who knows what’s best for us. When we embrace the discipline of following God’s Word, we find the certainty, the routine, and the promises that bring us true joy and fulfillment. It’s not about trying to figure everything out on our own or conforming to the world’s standards. It’s about allowing God to transform us from the inside out, guiding us with His perfect plan.
I know it’s not always easy. The world will constantly try to drag us down, telling us that we can’t have fun anymore. But when I can lay my head down at night, knowing that I’ve put God first, loved others more than myself, and stepped out in faith to help those who are unlovable, that’s true freedom. That’s the life I want to live, and the example I want to set for those around me.
Choosing Discipline Over Convenience
So today, I ask you to consider trading in that “get out of jail free” card. This is not the end goal, but rather the starting point. God is calling us to a life of discipline, not convenience. He wants us to be transformed, not conformed. And when we choose to live this way, not only will we experience the freedom He promises, but we’ll also be able to show others the way to true life in Him.
It’s time to stop letting others define who we are in Christ. It’s time to get back to the basics, reading the Word, and allowing God to shape us. It’s time to stop making excuses and start living out the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control that should be evident in our lives.
Church, the revival we’re praying for starts with us. It starts with our willingness to be disciplined, to be transformed, and to be the example that draws others to the freedom found in Jesus. So let’s trade in our “get out of jail free” cards and embrace the discipline that leads to true, lasting freedom. Are you ready?